Crystal Dental Care

All on 4 Teeth in a Day


Dental Implants

Dental Implants All on 4

All on 4 – Teeth in a Day on Multiple Implants

This has become a popular alternative to removable dentures for Glasgow patients who need to replace several teeth at once. There could be sound dental reasons for multiple extractions but sometimes patients have just got to a stage where they are tired of having poor-quality teeth and ask us to remove all their remaining teeth at once.

The long-term answer for some patients is for us to fix several teeth on top of a base consisting of four dental implants. The result is a stable set of teeth which look and work just like natural teeth.

This is a considerable investment for many people but the benefits of the All on 4 type of dental surgery are:

How does Teeth in a Day Surgery Work?

As an example, if we are using the immediate load technique to fit TeethXpress from BioHorizons:

  1. First we extract the required number of teeth
  2. We place four implants simultaneously
  3. We add healing caps onto the implants
  4. We add a special material onto the temporary restoration and use it to take an impression of the healing caps
  5. We then remove this and drill the four holes where the healing caps have left their marks
  6. We place titanium copings onto the healing caps then align the denture on these
  7. Finally we can trim the height of the copings and smooth off your restoration to ensure a proper functioning fit

We work closely with our dental technicians to ensure the prosthesis looks good and works well.

You then restrict yourself to soft foods for three months or so until we fit your final customised bridge.

TeethXpress from BioHorizons – front view

Teeth in a day back view

How Much Does All on 4 Implant Treatment Cost?

This is an example of a patient who received All on 4 treatment to replace his lower teeth.

Four dental implants in the lower jaw£4000
Fixed acrylic bridge with integrated titanium bar £5750
Total cost£9750

Prices for All on 4 Teeth implants vary. for example, according to the number of implants required, the number of teeth involved and the type of materials used.

Contact the Glasgow surgery to discuss the different price options. Our staff will also be able to explain how, if you decide to go ahead with tooth replacement, you can spread the cost of implants through dental finance including 0% finance.

Are Teeth in a Day Implants for Me?

This type of dental restoration is not for everybody. We need to consider your dental and medical history. We will also need to take x-rays and dental scans to ensure you are suitable for an All on 4 type treatment.

The best idea is to make an appointment to see our implant dentist. Your initial appointment is free and you are under no obligation whatsoever. We will just give you the information you need to make the best decision for your dental health.

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