Crystal Dental Care

Peri-implantitis and its Implications for Dental Implants in Glasgow

There has been a lot of interest in a recent article in the Daily Telegraph about the problem of Peri-implantitis which the newspaper describes as a little-known disease now emerging as a serious complication of dental implants.

Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory disease marked by bacterial infection and the gradual loss of the jaw bone supporting the implant. It’s not yet clear whether the infection causes the bone to recede, or the bone loss exposes the area to bacteria

This is not new but as Dr Murphy says, every dentist placing dental implants in Glasgow must be aware of this and impress upon their patients the fundamental nature of aftercare following dental implants.

Dr Murphy recalls dental implant patients annually, even when they’re registered with a referring dentist, to ensure adequate follow up, maintenance, hygiene and X-rays where necessary.

The silent nature of peri-implantitis is what concerns dentists most.

Don’t Ignore the Signs of Peri-implantitis

Due to the rare occurrence of pain with this condition, in much the same way that gum disease around our existing teeth affects us, patients often ignore or are oblivious to the signs.

Another issue is the fact that the referring practitioner may be loathe to probe around implants placed by an implant dentist.

Imaging around implants can also be misleading: X-rays are two dimensional pictures and metal superimposes on bone.

Furthermore, dental implants don’t show up well on scans, giving off a considerable amount of glare.

Regular Implant Check-ups

Essentially, visual checks and hygiene are the key to avoidance of peri-implantitis. Most of the time the condition is treatable and dental implant patients must not panic!

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